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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allcategories accontinue="06._In-channel_structure_and_substrate_improvement" />
      <c size="2" pages="2" files="0" subcats="0" xml:space="preserve">01. Water abstractions</c>
      <c size="9" pages="9" files="0" subcats="0" xml:space="preserve">01. Water flow quantity improvement</c>
      <c size="6" pages="6" files="0" subcats="0" xml:space="preserve">02. Flow regulations</c>
      <c size="7" pages="7" files="0" subcats="0" xml:space="preserve">02. Sediment flow quantity improvement</c>
      <c size="9" pages="9" files="0" subcats="0" xml:space="preserve">03. Flow dynamics improvement</c>
      <c size="3" pages="3" files="0" subcats="0" xml:space="preserve">03. River fragmentation</c>
      <c size="6" pages="6" files="0" subcats="0" xml:space="preserve">04. Longitudinal connectivity improvement</c>
      <c size="8" pages="8" files="0" subcats="0" xml:space="preserve">04. Morphological alterations</c>
      <c size="1" pages="1" files="0" subcats="0" xml:space="preserve">05. Other hydromorphological pressures</c>
      <c size="6" pages="6" files="0" subcats="0" xml:space="preserve">05. River bed depth and width variation improvement</c>