Improve/Create water storage

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Improve/Create water storage

Category 01. Water flow quantity improvement

General description

Water flow and the flow regime can be altered by different factors such as changes in land cover, soil structure and compacting, loss of floodplains and wetlands, and stormwater runoff from urban areas. Loss of water retention combined with accelerated runoff typically increases the frequency and magnitude of flood peaks and reduces the availability of water to streams during low flow (base flow) periods (Saldi-Caromile et al., 2004). Water infiltration and retention can be increased at the catchment scale by e.g. changes in land cover and floodplain restoration (see measure water retention. The measures to improve water infiltration and retention may be applied in combination with other restoration measures (e.g. water storage, restoring side channels or former meander is firstly done for restore channel morphology and lateral connectivity but also increases infiltration area) at different spatial scale and location (riparian zone, nearby land, etc). Some techniques to improve water retention and infiltration are:

  • Text
  • Text


Stormwater management

Stormwater reuse schemes are an effective way to reduce urban runoff volume. However, it is important to harvest only the larger flows than those occurring before the catchment was developed, to ensure that environmental flows are maintained in receiving waterways.

Expected effect of measure on (including literature citations):

  • HYMO (general and specified per HYMO element)
  • physico � chemical parameters
  • Biota (general and specified per Biological quality elements)

Temporal and spatial response

Pressures that can be addressed by this measure


Case studies where this measure has been applied

Useful references

Other relevant information