River typology in Romania

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River typology in Romania

General description


Classification system

Stream type (former symbol) Code eco Catchment size (km2) Geology Lithological bed structure Slope (%0) Altitude (mdMN) Precipitation (mm/year) Temperature (°C) q (l/s/km2) q 95% (l/s/km2) Fish zonnation
Stream in mountain, pied-mont or high plateau area (01+02) ExampleROMANIA1.jpg RO01 10 10-1000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous, c. organic blocks, boulders, gravel 20-200 >500 600-1400 -2 +9 >5 >0.5 Traut, Grayling, Dace
Stream sector in pied-mont or high plateau area Stream sector in pied-mont or high plateau area with endemic species (03) RO02 RO02* 10 1000-10000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous gravel, boulders 3-20 >500 600-800 7-9 5-20 1-3 Grayling, Chub, Romanichthys valsanicola (*)
Stream sector in intramountain depression (05) RO03 10 >10 a-siliceous, b-calcareous, c-organic sand, gravel, boulders 1-3 >500 600-800 7-9 3-20 0.2-2 Dace, Chub
Stream in hilly or plateau area (07+09+014+23) RO04 10a,11,12,16 10-1000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous, c-organic sand, gravel 1-30 200-500 500-700 8-10 1-5 0.01-0.5 Dace
Stream sector in hilly and plateau area (04+06+08) RO05 10, 10a 1000-10000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous, c-organic sand, gravel 0.5-20 200-500 500-700 8-10 3-15 0.2-2 Chub, Med. Barbel
Stream in plain area (10+15+24) RO06 11,12,16 10-2000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous, c-organic sand, silty clay, silt <8 <200 400-600 9-11 <3 <0.3 Chub, Perch, Carp
Stream sector in plain area (11) RO07 11 1000-3000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous, c-organic Sand, silt, clay <1 <200 400-500 9-11 1-3 0.2-0.4 Dace
Stream sector in plain area (16) RO08 12 1000-5000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous, c-organic Sand, silt 0.5-5 <200 400-600 9-11 1-3 0.2-0.4 Chub, Perch
Stream sector with wetlands in plain area (25) RO09 16 1000-5000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous, c-organic Sand, silt <2 <200 400-600 9-11 1-3 0.2-0.4 Chub
Stream sector in plain area F>3000km2 (11) F>5000 km2 (12+17+26) RO10 RO10* 11, 12,16 >3000 >5000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous, c-organic Sand, silt, clay 0.5-5 <200 400-600 9-11 2-10 0.05-1 Chub, Barbel, Dace
Stream sector with wetlands in plain area F>3000km2 (11) F>5000 km2 (13+18+27) RO11 RO11* 11, 12,16 >3000 >5000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous, c-organic Sand, silt clay <1 <200 400-600 9-11 2-10 0.1-1 Barbel, Carp
Danube river-Cazane Km 975-863 (RO19) RO12 12 570.900-574.850 Calcareous sand, gravel, boulders 0,07 100-200 600-800 8-10 9 3 Carp
Danube river Cazane-Calarasi Km 863-375.5 (20) RO13 12 574.000-698.000 Siliceous sand, gravel, boulders 0,05 5-70 500-600 9-11 8 2 Carp*
Danube river Calarasi-Isaccea Km 375.5-100 (21) RO14 12 698.000-780.650 Siliceous sand, clay 0,04 5 400-500 9-11 7 1.5 Carp*
Isaccea-Sulina (22) RO15 12 805.300 Organic sand, silt <0,01 <5 400-500 >11 Carp, Pontic shad**
Streams qualitatively influenced by natural causes and temporar waters Stream influenced from qualitative point of view by natural causes (28) RO16 10-1000
Temporary stream in mountain area (29) RO17 10-1000 siliceous blocks, boulders, gravel 20-150 >800 700-1100 -2 +8 2-16 0
Temporary stream in pied-mont or high plateau area(30) RO18 10-1000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous boulders, gravel 25-45 500-800 600-800 7-9 5-17 0
Temporary stream in plateau area (31) RO19 10-1000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous gravel, sand, silt 5-30 200-500 450-550 8-10 1.5-7 0
Temporary stream in plain area (32) RO20 10-2000 a-siliceous, b-calcareous sand, silt <8 <200 400-500 9-11 <2 0


Link to Romanian Water Authority