Freshwater Pearl Mussel and its habitats (LIFE04/NAT/SE/00023)
Freshwater Pearl Mussel and its habitats (LIFE04/NAT/SE/00023)
Key features of the case study
Main concerns: Ecological concerns Legal requirements: Natura 2000 Opportunities: Broader management plan (swedish national conservation plan)
95 % of the Fresh Pearl water mussel population in Central Europe has fallen. The specie is classified by IUCN as endangered and is included in the EU habitat directive. Sweden is home to a large part of the remaining population (a core area) and therefore have an international responsibility for the species’ long-term survival’.
Hydrological regime modification Artificial barries upstream from the site Artificial barries downstream from the site Alteration of instream habitats Sedimentation and sediment input Nutrients pollution Micropollutants Acidification
Humans activities
Mainly forestry Agriculture
Global objectives
Species enhancement and habitats improvement were the main objectives of the project by developing and testing methods to achieve a favourable conservation status for the freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) in Sweden. However, freshwater mussel was not the only target specie of the project. A freshwater mussel population decrease highlights a deterioration of the environnment, the improvement of freshwater mussels habitats will thus benefit other aquatic species such as host fish.
Specific goals (process oriented)
In order to achieve the conservation of Margaritifera margaritifera, the project aimed to : 1. eliminate the migration obstacles to host fish along ten watercourses, 2. improve the river bed in eight watercourses, 3. manage the banks along two small rivers 4. Re-introduce young mussels (test in one stream)
Measurable criteria
The mussel recruitment was expected within the coming 10–20 years. None measurable criteria were actually set in the frame of the LIFE project due its too short time frame. However, measurable criteria with regards to the Margaritifera margaritifera recruitment have been set in the frame of the swedish national conservation plan (XX).
Site description
Measures selection
Success criteria
Ecological response
Hydromorphological response
Monitoring before and after implementation of the project
Socio-economic aspects
Contact person within the organization
Extra background information
Related Measures
- Remove barrier
- Narrow water courses
- Improve/Create water storage
- Reduce undesired sediment input
- Install fish pass/bypass/side channel for upstream migration
- Modify culverts, syphons, piped streams
- Develop riparian forest