Reduce groundwater extraction
From REFORM wiki
- 1 Reduce groundwater extraction
- 1.1 General description
- 1.2 Applicability
- 1.3 Expected effect of measure on (including literature citations):
- 1.4 Temporal and spatial response
- 1.5 Pressures that can be addressed by this measure
- 1.6 Cost-efficiency
- 1.7 Case studies where this measure has been applied
- 1.8 Useful references
- 1.9 Other relevant information
Reduce groundwater extraction
Reduce groundwater extraction01. Water flow quantity improvement
General description
Expected effect of measure on (including literature citations):
- HYMO (general and specified per HYMO element)
- physico � chemical parameters
- Biota (general and specified per Biological quality elements)
Temporal and spatial response
Pressures that can be addressed by this measure
Case studies where this measure has been applied
Useful references
Custodio, E. 2002. Aquifer overexploitation: what does it mean? Hydrogeology Journal 10:254–277
Hellegers P., D. Zilberman and E. van Ierland. 2001. Dynamics of agricultural groundwater extraction. Selected for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association in Chicago, August 5-8, 2001