Introduction – general description and milestones

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3.1 Introduction – general description and milestones

The FORECASTER project will produce a scientific review of current knowledge in the field, stimulate the exchange of knowledge and scientific opinion, develop guidelines for environmentally sound, cost-efficient practices for rehabilitation of rivers, and identify needs for future research and management action, all of which are essential issues related to the development of policy and legislation, both at the European and national levels.

The project will be organised into six work packages (WP):

  • WP1 Analysis of the physical impacts of human activities on the aquatic environment;
  • WP2 Review of scientific information on ecological requirements and drivers of biodiversity;
  • WP3 Assessment of methods and actions to rehabilitate rivers;
  • WP4 Development of guidelines;
  • WP5 Consultation and dissemination;
  • WP6 Scientific coordination and project management.

These work packages are intrinsically linked to ensure successful delivery of the project outputs, particularly: reviews of current knowledge in the field; methods and protocols to assess the impact of environmental degradation in rivers; stimulation of the exchange of knowledge and scientific opinion; and, guidelines for cost-efficient practices for rehabilitation of rivers. This will provide managers and policy makers with the information necessary to develop mitigation measures to achieve good ecological status or good ecological potential in rivers both at the European and national levels. The project has a comprehensive consultation and dissemination plan to ensure involvement of stakeholders and practitioners and suitability of the outputs for use in rehabilitation of rivers to support designing programmes of measure to meet requirements of the WFD.