Physical habitat assessment

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Physical habitat assessment


Hydromorphological assessment methods

Brief description

Physical habitat assessment methods aim to identify, survey and assess physical habitats and/or the overall functioning and conditions of rivers and streams. They are mainly applied at a local/reach scale, consider all the spatial components of a river corridor (channel, riparian area and floodplain), and assess the hydromorphological state at present time. We reviewed 72 methods belonging to this broad category (39 for European countries and 33 for non-European countries).

Strengths, limitation and gaps

Methods of physical habitat assessment aim to characterize the range of physical habitats, heterogeneity and structure of ecosystems. These methods have often a great ecological relevance. The main limitation is that these methods are not suitable to understand physical processes and causes of river alterations, because of a series of reasons, including the scale of investigation (too small), the survey resolution (too much accurate), the temporal scale (not taken into account), the variability of river systems (not covered).

Other relevant information

Summary tables of analysed physical habitat assessement methods are available here:

Table 1. Analyzed references for assessment methods for phisical habitats.