Pisuerga. Improvement of ecological state of the river between the dam Pisuerga Aguilar de Campo and Alar del Rey (Palencia) 1st Stage.

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Pisuerga. Improvement of ecological state of the river between the dam Pisuerga Aguilar de Campo and Alar del Rey (Palencia) 1st Stage.

Factsheet: Pisuerga. Improvement of ecological state of the river between the dam Pisuerga Aguilar de Campo and Alar del Rey (Palencia) 1st Stage.

Country ES
River Name Pisuerga
Site Name Pisuerga. Improvement of ecological state of the river between the dam Pisuerga Aguilar de Campo and Alar del Rey (Palencia) 1st Stage.
River Characterisation
    River typology
    Location (Lat Lon) 42.7466655047656, -4.26900386810303
    Altitude high: > 800 m
    Catchment area very large: > 10000 km2
    Geology Calcareous
    National code/
    River type name
    12 Ríos de montaña mediterránea calcárea

    Biological quality elements
    Ecosystem Services
    EU Directives
    Project size 1 ha
    Approximate costs > 1 000 000 Euros
    Synergy SCI ES4140026
    Status In progress
    Period of realization 2009
    Implemented by Confederación Hidrológica del Duero. Ministry of Environment

    Key features of the case study

    Site description

    The river segment under study is located at the region of Las Loras. Its lithology consists of alluvial material (fluvial origin) at the river channel,and marl and limestone mixed with sandy and clay materials in the rest of the basin.
    The flow regime is determined by the presence of the Aguilar dam. The partial or total elimination of the shore and riparian vegetation due to the agricultural land use has caused morphological changes in some channel reaches.
    In terms of its biota, the natural vegetation has disappeared in many places, being replaced by agricultural and forestry crops(poplar).
    the riparian vegetation is composed of willow shrubs, mainly Salix triandra, Salix elaeagnos, Salix purpurea, Salix, and Salix cantabrica salvifolia.

    Alteration of the water quality. Excess of turbidity due to the input of sediments from the Aguilar de Campoo dam.
    The presence of dikes hinder the migration of fish.

    Measures selection

    Success criteria

    Ecological response

    Hydromorphological response

    Monitoring before and after implementation of the project

    Socio-economic aspects

    Contact person within the organization

    Extra background information


    Related Measures

    Related Pressures