Template factsheet

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Information contained in the factsheet for a case study

Field name:

  • Country
  • River Name
  • Site Name
  • River typology
  • National code and River type name
  • Hydromorphological quality elements
  • Biological quality elements
  • Pressures
  • Measures
  • Project size
  • Approximate costs
  • Synergy
  • Status
  • Period of realization
  • Evaluation
  • Implemented by

Field description:

  • Country:
-> Select from the list of countries of the world 
  • River Name:
-> Name of the river where the project is implemented  

  • Site Name:
-> Indicative name for the particular location of the project 
  • River typology:
-> According to WFD classification for European water bodies (see River_typology)
1 Location 
1.1 Latitude 
1.2 Longitude 
2 Altitude 
2.1 high: > 800 m
2.2 mid-altitude: 200 to 800 m
2.3 lowland: < 200 m 
3 Catchment area
3.1 small: 10 to 100 km2
3.2 medium: >100 to 1000 km2
3.3 large: >1000 to 10 000 km2
3.4 very large: > 10 000 km2
4 Geology	 
4.1 calcareous
4.2 siliceous
4.3 organic
  • National code and River type name:
-> According to national river typology 
  • Hydromorphological quality elements:
-> select from list: (see HYMOQE) 
1 Hydrological regime
1.1 Quantity and dynamics of water flow
1.2 Connection to groundwater bodies
2 River continuity
2.1 River continuity
3 Morphological conditions
3.1 River depth and width variation
3.2 Structure and substrate of the river bed
3.3 Structure of the riparian zone
3.4 Structure of the floodplain
  • Biological quality elements:
-> Select from list: (see BQE)
1 Phytoplankton
2 Macrophytes and phytobenthos
3 Benthic invertebrates
4 Fish
  • Pressures:
-> Select from list: (see Pressures)
1 Water abstractions
1.1 Surface water abstraction
1.2 Groundwater abstractions
2 Flow regulations
 2.1 Discharge diversions and returns
 2.2 Interbasin flow transfers
 2.3 Hydrological regime modification
 2.4 Hydropeaking
 2.5 Reservoir flushing
 2.6 Sediment discharge from dredging
3 River fragmentation
 3.1 Artificial barriers upstream from the site
 3.2 Artificial barriers downstream from the site
 3.3 Colinear connected reservoir
4 Morphological alterations
 4.1 Impoundment
 4.2 Channelisation / cross section alteration
 4.3 Alteration of riparian vegetation
 4.4 Alteration of instream habitat
 4.5 Embankments, levees or dikes
 4.6 Sedimentation and sediment input
 4.7 Sand and gravel extraction
 4.8 Loss of vertical connectivity
5 Other hydromorphological pressures
 5.1 Other pressures

  • Measures:
-> Select from list: (see Measures)
1 Water flow quantity improvement
 01.1 Reduce surface water abstraction without return
 01.2 Reduce surface water abstraction with return
 01.3 Improve water retention
 01.4 Reduce groundwater extraction
 01.5 Improve/Create water storage
 01.6 Increase minimum flows
 01.7 Water diversion and transfer
 01.8 Recycle used water
 01.9 Reduce water consumption
2 Sediment flow quantity improvement
 02.1 Add/feed sediment
 02.2 Reduce undesired sediment input
 02.3 Prevent sediment accumulation in reservoirs
 02.4 Reduce erosion
 02.5 Improve continuity of sediment transport
 02.6 Manage dams for sediment flow
 02.7 Trap sediments
3 Flow dynamics improvement
 03.1 Ensure minimum flows
 03.2 Establish environmental flows / naturalise flow regimes
 03.3 Modify hydropeaking
 03.4 Increase flood frequency and duration in riparian zones or floodplains
 03.5 Reduce anthropogenic flow peaks
 03.6 Favour morphogenic flows
 03.7 Shorten the length of impounded reaches
 03.8 Link flood reduction with ecological restoration
 03.9 Manage aquatic vegetation
4 Longitudinal connectivity improvement
 04.1 Remove barrier
 04.2 Install fish pass/bypass/side channel for upstream migration
 04.3 Facilitate downstream migration
 04.4 Modify culverts, syphons, piped streams
 04.5 Manage sluice and weir operation for fish migration
 04.6 Fish-friendly turbines and pumping stations
5 River bed depth and width variation improvement
 05.1 Remeander water courses
 05.2 Widen water courses
 05.3 Shallow water courses
 05.4 Allow/increase lateral channel migration or river mobility
 05.5 Narrow water courses
 05.6 Create low flow channels in over-sized channels
6 In-channel structure and substrate improvement
 06.1 Initiate natural channel dynamics to promote natural regeneration
 06.2 Remove sediments
 06.3 Modify aquatic vegetation maintenance
 06.4 Introduce large wood
 06.5 Add sediments
 06.6 Remove bank fixation
 06.7 Recreate gravel bar and riffles
 06.8 Remove or modify in-channel hydraulic structures
 06.9 Reduce impact of dredging
7 Riparian zone improvement
 07.1 Adjust land use to develop riparian vegetation
 07.2 Revegetate riparian zones
 07.3 Remove bank fixation
 07.4 Remove non-native substratum
 07.5 Adjust land use to reduce nutrient, sediment input or shore erosion
 07.6 Develop riparian forest
8 Floodplains/off-channel/lateral connectivity habitats improvement
 08.1 Lower river banks or floodplains to enlarge inundation and flooding
 08.2 Set back embankments, levees or dikes
 08.3 Reconnect backwaters and wetlands
 08.4 Remove hard engineering structures that impede lateral connectivity
 08.5 Restore wetlands
 08.6 Retain floodwater
 08.7 Improve backwaters
 08.8 Construct semi-natural/articificial wetlands or aquatic habitats
 08.9 Isolation of water bodies
9 Other aims to improve hydrological or morphological conditions
 09.1 Other measures
  • Project size:
-> Length or area of the works and/or rehabilitation activities
  • Approximate costs:
-> Select from list:
1 < 10 000 Euros
2 > 10 000 - < 100 000 Euros
3 > 100 000 - < 1 000 000 Euros
4 > 1 000 000 Euros
  • Synergy:
-> Indicate interaction with other objectives: e.g. flood protection, recreation, etc.
  • Status:
-> Select from list:	 
1 Planned 
2 In progress
3 Realised
  • Period of realization:
-> Period in years during which the project was implemented
  • Evaluation:
-> Select from list:
1 Hydromorphological 
2 Ecological changes
3 Hydromorphological and ecological changes
4 None
  • Implemented by:
-> Institution responsible for the implementation