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Factsheet: Miño.

Country ES
River Name Miño
Site Name Miño.
River Characterisation
    River typology
    Location (Lat Lon) 42.1551481153339, -8.19290399551392
    Altitude lowland: < 200 m
    Catchment area very large: > 10000 km2
    Geology Siliceous
    National code/
    River type name
    21 cantabro-atlánticos siliceos

    Biological quality elements
    Ecosystem Services
    EU Directives
    Project size -1
    Approximate costs > 1 000 000 Euros
    Synergy Reserve of the Biosphere (Upper course of the Miño river)
    Status Realised
    Period of realization 1999-2002
    Evaluation None
    Implemented by Union Fenosa S.A., Xunta de Galicia, UE (LIFE project)

    Key features of the case study

    Site description

    Measures selection

    Success criteria

    Ecological response

    Hydromorphological response

    Monitoring before and after implementation of the project

    Socio-economic aspects

    Contact person within the organization

    :Unión Fenosa S.A., (Xunta de Galicia)

    María Luisa Prada Hervella
    Carretera de Monforte, S/N, ES, 32960
    Telephone: +34988235211
    Fax: +34988238603
    E-mail: mlprada@uef.es
    Website: www.unionfenosa.es

    Extra background information


    Related Measures

    Related Pressures