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<ref>[http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/004/Y2785E/y2785e03.htm Environmental Issues, Dams and Fish migration. Neste River, France]</ref>
<ref>[http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/004/Y2785E/y2785e03.htm Environmental Issues, Dams and Fish migration. Neste River, France]</ref>
River continuity refers to .<ref> [http://www.wfduk.org/wfd_concepts/CIS_Glossary WFD-UKTAG,Terms and definitions under Water Framework Directive ]</ref>
River continuity refers to the ability of sediment and migratory species to pass freely up / down rivers and laterally with the floodplain .

Revision as of 21:50, 16 April 2010

HYMOQE: River continuity

General description

River continuity.jpg


River continuity refers to the ability of sediment and migratory species to pass freely up / down rivers and laterally with the floodplain .


  1. Environmental Issues, Dams and Fish migration. Neste River, France